Campaign to protect displaced, migrant children begins
Campaign to protect displaced, migrant children begins
Published: 05:39 pm Dec 04, 2015
KATHMANDU: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare CP Mainali inaugurated the Destination Unknown: Children on Move (DU COM) campaign in Kathmandu, on Friday. Executive Director of the Central Child Welfare Board Tarak Dhital and Terre des Hommes International Federation Home (TDHIF) Secretary General, Ignacio Packer, also addressed the programme. The programme discussed the relevance of the campaign to work for Nepali children who are in unsafe state along with the danger lurking above the displaced and migrant children, victims of harassment and exploitation and the situation of their rights. The speakers stated that the programme is thoroughly backed by the government and campaigners of civil society. They also expressed their commitment to work in cooperation and critical engagement with each other. CWISH Nepal, Change Nepal, Swatantrata Abhiyan, Pariwartanka lagi Hami, Sahari Batabaran Byawastahapan Samaj, SathSath, Paurakhi Nepal and Terre des Hommes International Federation Home Germany, Netherlands are involved in the campaign.