Ministry of Labour unveils reform action plan for next 100 days
Ministry of Labour unveils reform action plan for next 100 days
Published: 01:52 am Jan 09, 2016
Kathmandu, January 8 The Ministry of Labour and Employment today published a 30-point reform action plan for the next 100 days. Minister for Labour and Employment Deepak Bohara unveiled the action plan amidst a programme in the capital. As per the plan, the ministry is to host a ministerial-level meeting of SAARC member countries with a view to developing common concept for the protection of migrant workers in the SAARC region and is expected to sign bilateral labour agreement with Canada, Jordan and Lebanon. Likewise, the action plan envisages orientation training for foreign job aspirants in 10 districts sending highest number of workers for foreign employment, full-fledged operation of Tahachal-based Labour Office and creation of employment opportunities in the 14 districts worst affected by the 2015 April-May earthquake. The action plan also envisages increase of temporary life insurance amount for Nepali migrant workers to Rs one million from existing Rs 500,000, effective enforcement of the government provision for free visa and ticket, formulation of a draft for the enforcement of National Employment Policy-2071 BS and amendments to the Foreign Employment Act 2064.