
Archaeologist cures huband’s asthma

Archaeologist cures huband’s asthma

By Chet Day

A year before, Susan’s husband Stan suddenly became very ill with asthma, so ill he almost died. The side effects of the asthma drugs the doctor prescribed were worse than the asthma itself. To make matters worse, the drugs didn’t really help him that much either. He was completely bedridden. Stan was a very active man, and this was very depressing for him.

But Stan and Susan didn’t let the problem get them down, as she explains, “Our work together is based on extensive research which we both enjoy, so it was natural for me to dig deep and begin researching alternative medicine. The drugs just weren’t an acceptable solution and we needed to find a better way.” She further adds, “My husband and I were researching and conducting expeditions on various archeological projects together in the Amazon jungle when he first became ill. It was no longer possible for him to work, since the expeditions are often quite physically demanding and in remote areas without any medical help.”

Because of the situation, Susan and Stan decided to move their base to Florida because alternative medicine and supplements just aren’t that easy to find in Ecuador. They also needed the cleaner environment in Florida. Being in Florida also helped her in research because she had better access to books in English, as well as articles, medical journals and the results of clinical trials. “Once my initial research was completed, I used the Internet extensively. I then realised that a website was an ideal way to reach and help other people with asthma and allergies.” Well, as a result of her research, Stan regained his health and he and Susan are current back in Ecuador working on several new projects together. I asked Susan when she first got interested in natural approaches to health and healing, and she replied that it happened over 27 years ago, “I was constantly sick and I became very worried. I was in danger of losing my job. The doctor simply prescribed more antibiotics. Finally I went to see a naturopathic doctor. He tested me, and I was diagnosed with systemic candid yeast overgrowth. It turned out that the years of antibiotics I had been given throughout my adolescence had weakened my immune system. My doctor had freely prescribed antibiotics for just about everything and in addition, I had been on tetracycline for years to treat acne.”

Anyone wanting to learn more about asthma or allergy relief will profit from a visit to Susan’s website, where, “I have a free report about asthma and allergy prevention which I have researched from extensive medical studies. All of this information is fully documented from top medical sources and I provide these links on my site.” Not one to rest on her laurels, Susan has plans for future books. “I’m going to include a section about other alternative health information which I have found genuinely effective. We are also currently conducting research for our upcoming longevity and rejuvenation report about the old people of Vilcabamba in southern Ecuador. Some live to be 120 years old. We will be combining this information with all the latest medical research for a comprehensive overview. In addition, we are, of course, always adding documentation of our latest expeditions on Stan’s website.”