
Nepal receives SAOC flag

Nepal receives SAOC flag

By Himalayan News Service

Indian Olympic Committee President N Ramachandran handing over SAOC flag to Nepal Olympic Committee President Jeevan Ram Shrestha (left), during the closing ceremony of the 12th South Asian Games, in Guwahati, on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. Photo: Photojournalists' Club

GUWAHATI: Indian Olympic Committee President N Ramachandran passed the South Asian Olympic Council flag to Nepal, the host of the 13th South Asian Games, during the closing ceremony at the Indira Gandhi Stadium on Tuesday. Nepal Olympic Committee President Jeevan Ram Shrestha received the flag from Ramachandran and handed over to Youth and Sports Minister Satya Narayan Mandal. After receiving the SAOC flag, Shrestha said Nepal was ready to host the Games for the third time after 17 years. “As we all know that the sports play a vital role for the social change. Sport unites people and the Nations. It brings social integrity, peace and prosperity. Furthermore, we hope the South Asian Games will bring the social integration, regional cooperation and sterengthen the Olympic movement to live the life with Olympic values in the region,” said Shrestha. “We are eagarly waiting to welcome you all, at the roof of the world, the country with the Mount Everest, the birth place of of Lord Buddha and the holy Pasupatinath. The paradise of natural beauties awaits you,” he added.