The Himalayan Times


Nepal, Germany sign mutual scientific cooperation deal

Nepal, Germany sign mutual scientific cooperation deal

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, February 24 A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today between Nepal Academy of Science and Technology and Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Germany for mutual scientific cooperation. Vice Chancellor of NAST Jibaraj Pokharel and Director of Programs of IASS Germany Mark Lawrence singed the MoU at a function organised in Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. German Ambassador to Nepal Matthias Meyer was also present on the occasion. This marks the opening of a new avenue of cooperation in the field of science and technology between Nepal and Germany, according to the Embassy of Germany in Kathmandu. The MoU will pave the way for scientists of Nepal and Germany to work together in the field of climate change adaptation. For joint activities in Nepal, IASS will provide personnel, resources, scientific expertise and technical assistance, access to instruments and atmospheric observatories. “This research will produce scientific data to provide inputs to policy measures in developing response to climate change,” read a statement issued by the German Embassy. Addressing the signing ceremony, NAST Vice Chancellor Pokharel said the MoU was just a beginning and that NAST would be working with IASS to enhance people’s resilience to cope challenges posed by climate change in Nepal, while Lawrence shed lights on the activities of IASS and said his institution would work to realise the objectives of the agreement. Meyer said science is complex for laymen but its advancement contributes in making people’s lives easier. “Nepal falls among countries vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, innovations of science is the only way to save lives from this challenge”, he was quoted as saying.