
LETTERS: Freedom of expression

LETTERS: Freedom of expression

By Himalayan News Service

Your thought-provoking article “Press Freedom” (THT, September 3, Page 8) reminded me a quote of Mahatma Gandhi who said, “Liberty of speech means that it is unassailed even when the speech hurts; Liberty of Press can be said to be truly respected when the Press can comment in the severest terms upon and even misrepresent matters.” The article rightly speaks about the fundamental principles of press freedom and evaluates press freedom around the world. The ability to write and speak freely is a privilege not many countries enjoy, even today. Under international law, the right to freedom of expression also protects speech that some may find shocking, offensive or disturbing. Vinod C. Dixit, Ahmedabad Duel “I did not discuss statute amendment with any Indian official, says Nidhi” (THT, September 4, Page 1), of course he did not; he just lent his ears. So what if Nidhi had discussed it with everyone in India. I am surprised that our statute is attracting so much attention and causing so much friction among the political workers. Are we the most important country in the world? Britain has no written constitution, yet no one bothers, nor the Americans, nor the Chinese, nor the Russians nor the Indians, not even the Martians. The letter part is getting interesting however. So, it just turns out to be an innocuous ‘appointment letter’. As someone who has scant respect for third world politics, it did not bother me as to who wrote letters to whom. But as the duel between UML and Congress is turning out academic over the ‘appointment letter’, it would invite interest among many academics. If it was just an ‘appointment letter’ what was the point in wasting so much energy, emotion and time. Wouldn’t it have been easier if the letter was handed over to the media for publication for information of everyone. Manohar Shrestha, Kathmandu Dhaka topi It is a serious matter that traditional Dhaka topi having historical importance and cultural significance has lost its esteem “Dhaka topi losing appeal among younger Nepalis” (THT, August 27, Page 3). The new generation is obsessed with western culture, as a result, the traditional attires have lost attraction. Dhaka topi signifies our national identity. However, today’s generation lacks the sense of pride and honour of wearing such traditional attire. It seems that only government officials and political leaders put on Dhaka topi during official functions when it is so required. The declining trend in wearing Dhaka topi has forced many small cottage industries to fold up and losing job opportunity in small towns and rural areas where they used to be produced. It is high time that the government gave incentives to the cottage industries so that they can shift on other indigenous ventures. Sanjog Karki, Tansen