BLOG SURF: November rain
BLOG SURF: November rain
Published: 05:02 am Nov 11, 2016
This nine Euro eye shadow still glows in my dressing table and in my utter mood swings it glows eyes too. This is special. This is November again, which is equally special. Twenty-nine November days have already passed and I have been waiting for the rain like previous years. But all this month the sun shone brightly making me more anxious and apprehensive. The more sun shone, the more anxious and apprehensive I became. There were no any signs of rain. Where are the impregnated clouds with rain this November? Where have they gone? For me, rain has something special about it but more special for me are rare rains like those in April and November here. Some memories are hidden at the depth of sub-conscious and it lies there stagnant and safe. Thinking of deleting it? Not applicable – do you like to erase it – they are inerasable. This is the very photographic memory of yours. Alas! I never let you to photograph me ~ while I snapped you unconsciously.