
Pokhara jailbird runs away from hospital toilet

Pokhara jailbird runs away from hospital toilet

By Bharat Koirala

POKHARA: A jailbird who was taken to the Gandaki Medical College for some dental check-up has fled away from the hospital toilet on Thursday. Pushkar Khadka, a permanent resident of Chachal Goshwara in Kavre district, ran away at around 10 this morning, said the Chief Jailor at Kaski Prison, Hari Prasad Gautam. According to Gautam, Khadka had gone for a toilet, bit escaped from the window to reach the parking lot of the hospital. He was taken for a regular dental check-up in the hospital, Chief Jailor Gautam added. After Khadka did not return for next 15 minutes from the toilet, police had looked around just to find him already missing. Khadka was imprisoned for his involvement in a kidnapping case on May 9, 2013.