LETTERS: Its positive move
LETTERS: It’s positive move
Published: 05:01 am Jan 09, 2017
It is good news that the Department of Prison Management has launched a noble idea at Nakhu Jail to provide therapy to the jailbirds with psychological disorders (“Psychiatric hospital to be built at Nakhu Jail”, THT, January 7, Page 2). This is a positive step on the part of the concerned officials who deserve appreciation for this venture. Needless to say, psychotherapy ought to be provided time and again to the prisoners who have been doing time and have to pass monotonous lifestyle in prison. Such a condition of living poses a threat to mental health. Such facilities must be made available in other major prisons where a large number of jailbirds are doing time for their crimes committed in the past. Everyone needs to believe in a moral philosophy that “Darkness cannot remove darkness; brightness is the only remedy to eliminate darkness.” Sanjog Karki, Tansen VISION The English New Year has just begun. Past will never come back again once it has gone. But the fact is that we should learn with those past mistakes at a time when we move forward to greet each new year. As such, in many sectors for the improvement of developmental activities the country has done a substantive amount of work like in trade and commerce, hydroelectricity, foreign direct investment, energy, and infrastructure development. On top of that, it is good news that decade-long load-shedding problem has been ended through imported energy. However, the earthquake victims are still not returning to normalcy due to carelessness from the government side. Therefore, the need of the hour is to expedite the reconstruction work on a war footing and provide every support that they need so that they can lead a normal life by next year. Finally, let us make each new year more productive than the last year by doing hard work no matter what we do in our lives. Saroj Wagle, Bara NOT ENOUGH Apropos of the news story “Government recalls 29 customs officials from airport duty” (THT, January 7, Page 1), recalling the customs officials may not be enough for allowing 33 kg of gold to pass through right under their nose. What if it had been 33 kg of terrorism arsenal? Even if innocent, these customs ‘officials’ are still guilty of not carrying out their sensitive responsibilities and are, therefore, unfit for such jobs at one of the most sensitive places in the country. The country needs to get to the bottom of this, identify the brain and the owner and take legal action against the big racketeers. How come it is possible for the two accused to smuggle in such a huge amount of gold despite the presence of 14 different security agencies without their knowledge! Those who were on duty at the time must not be allowed to be stationed again for the sake of security . Manohar Shrestha, Kathmandu