
My unforgettable US trip

My unforgettable US trip

By Gaurav Rawat, Class II, The British School

During this Dashain holidays I travelled with my parents to the United States. This was my second trip to America. The last time I was there, I got to visit Disneyland, Hollywood and SFO — the Fisherman’s Wharf and the Golden Bridge. But I was too small then and I hardly remember anything.

This time we took a flight from Delhi via Singapore to California. We stayed a few days there at my uncle’s place. I had loads of fun with my cousins Rishika and Kriti. After a wonderful time at California, we flew to New York. There we stayed at Mr Agarwal’s for three days. I got to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and Times Square.

We went to Buffalo and Ontario to see the Niagara Falls. It looked beautiful in the evening. Then we flew to Washington DC where my father had business to attend to. While he was busy, we got to see the Air and Space Museum. In the next few days, we visited the National Zoological Park, Natural History Museum, Washington Monument Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Building and the White house.

I had heard a lot about the White house. I found out two amazing things about the building. It is really white and it does not look like a house.

I also got to visit an interesting place called the Chunky Cheese. I enjoyed my pizza and played lots of games there. During Dashain all Nepali people gathered and celebrated the festival. On the last day, we went to Luray Caverns. It is a very old cave. I saw the most amazing things there.

I learned many things on this trip. I came to know that the Statue of Liberty is in New York but was made in Paris.

My favourite animals at the National Zoo were the zebras and tigers. The best thing about the Capitol Building were the statues and the echoes of my voice.

The three animals related to the Niagara Falls are buffalo (the nearest city in US is Buffalo City), horse (the Canadian falls is the shape of a horse shoe), goat (between the American and Canadian falls there is a goat island).

After I returned, I started sleeping and getting up very early. My Dad told me that this was jet lag. If you go from Asia to America, or the other way, you may suffer from jet lag. In the morning your body thinks its evening and in evening your body thinks its morning and vice-versa.