
LETTERS: Every drop counts

LETTERS: Every drop counts

By Himalayan News Service

This refers to your thought provoking editorial “Harvesting rainwater” (THT, February 28, page 8). Water conservation has become the need of the day. While the fossil fuel stocks are fast depleting, usable water availability is falling at a more alarming rate. Every drop we can conserve and utilize will be the right thing to do. As per the Central Ground Water Board, India, more than 85 per cent of rural water supply, 50 per cent of urban water needs and 50 per cent of water requirement for irrigation in the country are met from ground water sources. Domestic rainwater harvesting is a good technique through which rainwater is captured from roof catchments and sun shades and stored in tanks. Rainwater harvesting has become a very popular method of conserving water, particularly in the urban areas. It is observed that people have little knowledge about implementing rainwaterharvesting systems for supplying irrigation water, as the quantity of water required is large and entails construction of large structures. Vinod C. Dixit, Ahmedabad Alcohol ban This is with reference to the news story “Health Ministry drafts bill to regulate alcohol consumption” (THT, February 27, Page 3). The government seems to be crossing all levels of sanity and cultural clarity. Alcohol or locally brewed raksi is an integral part of the indigenous communities such as the Tamangs, Sherpas, Rais, Limbus, Magars, Gurungs, Newars and others who need to use it in all celebrations and rituals. The ministry does not have the right to impose a ban on our tradition and culture. It seems as if the government and its incompetent bureaucracy have suddenly realized that consumption of alcohol harms liver, kidneys and the lungs. There are other more pressing issues they should worry about that harm public health. It is the pollution in the capital where more people are complaining of chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continued exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate the condition of the elderly. Eating too much sugar or sweets will bring about type 2 diabetes. Diabetes affects the kidneys and the heart. Goat meat raises the blood pressure. Now, what will the government do? Does the government ban sweets and close down sweetmeat shops or even perhaps regulate sweet and cake intake during children’s birthdays? Ban goat meat too from parties and homes? There are regulations on practically everything like public smoking, gutka chewing etc. But who is listening and implementing these rules? Cigarettes and alcohol are still being sold to underage children and children in school and college uniforms. I am not taking this too seriously because nothing is going to happen as the government is contemplating doing it. Sangpo Lama, Kathmandu