
TOPICS: Be strong

TOPICS: Be strong

By Aanchal Bhandari

Today you woke up in a magical morning. So, now just take a moment to love and accept yourself. Go and stand in front of the mirror and give your billion dollar smile and see how the smile makes you more beautiful. You don’t need anyone or anything to make you happy or to make you feel special. You are one in billion and your personality is very unique. You can go ahead and put some makeup on your face if you want to, as one of the best things about being a girl is that you can hide all your blemishes with latest cosmetics. When you get out of the house, men look around the edge, try to tease you or maybe ever come closer to you. Don’t ignore those people, turn towards them and slap them as tight as possible. It’s exactly what they deserve. Courage to fight offenders will stand out. Every girl out there, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. In each and every girl there lives a princess with the strength of a warrior. Being strong women means asking for what you deserve, even though you may be called selfish and impatient. Women should fight for their right to exercise their basic freedom even if their male counterparts chastise them for it. Love yourself, wear whatever you want. When the rest of society says you’re too big or too skinny or too dark or too short or too big or little does not matter. If any obstacle comes in the journey of your life then girls, don’t be afraid. Don’t worry, don’t panic you will be able to solve those obstacles easily if you have faith in yourself. If you make any mistake then don’t worry just learn from that and never do it again. See those negative situations as a learning process and a way through which women can be stronger and better. Accept every little thing that you’ve got in your life and always be thankful for it. Be that strong girl that everyone knew to make it through the worst times. Be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything. Be that independent girl. Be the girl whom every one admires and loves for their strength and grace. Be strong, not rude, kind not weak, bold but don’t bully, be humble not shy and proud not arrogant. Don’t care what society says, be who you want to be, not what others want to see. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Remember that you are strong and once you know what that truly means, I pray for the guy who tries to hurt you.