
Debate on ticket distribution in Nepali Congress

Debate on ticket distribution in Nepali Congress

By Himalayan News Service

Leaders of the Nepali Congress attend party's Central Working Committee meeting at the Central Office in Sanepa on Sunday, March 26, 2017. Photo Courtesy: Pradip Parajuli/Twitter

Kathmandu, March 27 There was a hot debate during the Nepali Congress central working committee meeting on who should distribute tickets to candidates for upcoming local level polls. According to CWC member Pradip Paudel, the party statute has given ticket distribution rights to locals committees and constituency level committees. “Our party needs to end that kind of duel authority and update the statute as per newly established provincial and local structures,” added Pradip Paudel. Party’s CWC members close to senior leader Ramchandra Paudel said the ticket issuing authority should be given to local level committees of the party, while members close to Deuba said such a power should rest with the central mechanism, which can issue tickets on the basis of the recommendation of local level committees. The meeting will continue on Tuesday.