
BLOG SURF: Teaching in hills

BLOG SURF: Teaching in hills

By Sweta Gyanu Baniya

Meet wonderful English teacher (Teach For Nepal fellow) Laxmi who is trying hard to Kill the Ghost of Learning English in students at remote village called Ashrang in Nepal. She says no body will believe she is going to the hills where mobile networks wouldn’t reach, where narrow roads will take her away from her home and her family to somewhere unreachable from technology she is enjoying at her home town Kathmandu. People would rather suggest her going abroad as other hundreds and thousands of Nepalese who fly away for better future of themselves. But here is Laxmi Khatri, who is breaking away the tradition that her friends and family would do and going to somewhere to “teach”. Nepal is somewhere, where teaching job is the most unwanted job as it pays less, facilities are less and maybe it is the last option one would do. But it is not the same for people like Laxmi, who is young, energetic and courageous to go to the hills.