
Three Palpa remote villages connected with electric power

Three Palpa remote villages connected with electric power

By Rastriya Samachar Samiti

Electricity transmission line. Photo: Ministry of Energy

RAMPUR, PALPA: The locals of the remote villages of Rampur Municipality have welcomed the advent of electric power supply five years after the installation of electric pole. A total of 182 households have benefited from the electrification. The Gailuk, Lamtang and Lankuri villages, located at a distance of three hours walk from the town, have been illuminated spreading joy among the locals who had relied on traditional lamp till today. The villagers were forced to walk for three hours to recharge their cell phone batteries and torch lights. A 53-year-old local Sita Gyawali said that the village has now changed as they are now able to use the facilities to turn on the lights, cook food, charge the mobile phones, watch television and listen to the radio. The electric power was expanded through Butwal Power Company Ltd. Electricity Expansion Consumer Committee Chairman Khem Rana said the ultra-remote villages of Gailuk, Lantang and Lankuri were connected with electric power after a 'huge effort and hardship'.