ByPublished: 12:00 am Jan 08, 2006
Misplaced emphasis
The new report “Dharan BE students demand to shift department to Kathmandu” (THT, Jan. 6) illustrates perfectly the mindset that has prevented balanced development in Nepal.
According to the news, a group of agricultural engineering students in Dharan have demanded that Tribhuvan University (TU) shift the department to Kathmandu. The reason? Lack of infrastructure in Dharan. If this is the attitude of the so-called educated groups, what can you expect from the other group?
The students should have demanded that TU create adequate infrastructure in Dharan itself, not move the entire department to Kathmandu. If the department is shifted to Kathmandu, no
infrastructure will be built in Dharan and more infrastructure will come up in Kathmandu. The disparity between the capital and the rest of the country will increase further and the
vicious cycle will get perpetuated. I would request the people living all over Nepal not to blame the capital-dwellers for the massive facilities being constructed here. We
didn’t ask for them, they came to us.
Bhai Kaji, Kathmandu
More FDI
With the implementation of SAFTA and Nepal being a member of WTO, there is a need to be more competitive, otherwise, we are sure to suffer rather than gain from the free trade regime. It is urgent to attract FDI, which seems to be the only way right now to increase exports, create employment opportunities and utilise natural resources.
But since Nepal lacks basic infrastructure and facilities like good roads, electricity, information
technology and faces the escalating violence and bad governance, FDI is bound to decline further. This will have an adverse impact on the country’s economy.
The policy-makers have to seriously consider the repercussions of the conflict on the economy and think of ways to attract more FDI.
Akesh Jaiswal, Birgunj
Unfair system
It is unfortunate that our education system, along with the other sectors, is rooted in deep corruption. Intelligent and hard-working students hardly have a place in this system since favouritism and “connections” do the job for average or not-so-good pupils. Take for instance the prestigious MBBS entrance exam. Past results are a testimony to the fact that this exam is just a formality while the candidates are decided in advance. The authorities concerned should at least be fair to those students who spent five or six years of their lives preparing for the test.
Pratik Chauhan, Kupandol
Bad idea
The Ministry of Finance is reported to be planning to reduce import tariffs. If this is true, it will play havoc with the country’s efforts to expedite the industrialisation process. The
industrialists would have to look for alternatives for investing abroad and mass unemployment will result. Our already shaky industries will not be able to compete at such low prices, and thus the whole decision would lead to a loss of revenue to the government. As a member of WTO and SAFTA, we have to concentrate on lowering custom tariffs but think of ways to boost our exports.
Ramesh Neupane,