Govt yet to get Rs 42.65bn reimbursement
Govt yet to get Rs 42.65bn reimbursement
Published: 04:45 am Jul 24, 2017
Kathmandu, July 23 The government has yet to receive Rs 42.65 billion as reimbursement from different donor agencies, according to the Financial Comptroller General Office (FCGO). The said amount was spent by the government on different projects in the fiscal year 2016-17. According to the FCGO, the government had received Rs 48 billion, which it had spent on various projects in the previous years, in the fiscal year 2016-17 from donor agencies. Likewise, the government still has to receive Rs 510 million as reimbursement for projects that have already been completed. According to Financial Comptroller General, Rajendra Prasad Nepal, the reimbursement process has been delayed due to the projects as they do not submit their reports to the line ministries and the Ministry of Finance on time. In a programme organised by FCGO, Nepal also mentioned that the office is being restructured as per the provincial format. He also stated FCGO will install a system whereby the real time data of revenue can also be accessed by this fiscal year. “Previously, we only managed the real time data of government expenditure, but by this fiscal it will be possible to get data of revenue collection too.”