
Editorial: Water crisis

Editorial: Water crisis

By Himalayan News Service

Despite knowing that the water shortages are affecting a large number of the population the concerned seem to be the least bothered for which they should be held accountable There is an acute shortage of drinking water particularly in the Mid-Western and Far-Western hilly regions. As a result people are compelled to drink contaminated water. For instance, those residing in Siradi village of Budinanda Municipality of Bajura have no other option than to drink water from a polluted river in their locality for many years. There are 158 households in the village affected by severe shortages of drinking water. The villagers have approached the concerned officials at the district and central level but their call has not been heeded even by the leaders of the various political parties. The village had a drinking water project with water spouts but this is no longer in operation for many years. The villagers have also requested leaders of the various political parties and the concerned officials in the government to operate the drinking water project but to no avail. The villagers expect the local level representatives to address their plight now that the officials have been elected at the local level. They have high expectations from the officials of the municipality who say that they would be starting a new drinking water project. The villagers hope that the officials would do the needful to expedite the project so that they could have access to safe drinking water. Unless the concerned officials act promptly the villagers face the risk of an epidemic outbreak from water borne diseases. Drinking water is the basic need and no citizen should be deprived from the right to safe drinking water. This should be a matter of highest priority. Despite knowing that the water shortages are affecting a large part of the population the concerned seem to be the least bothered for which they should be held accountable. Water is being fetched from long distances and it often takes hours to bring the water home in the remote areas. Women in particular face the ordeal of having to fetch water as there are no water sources near their villages. Most parts of the country are undergoing shortages of  water. Even the capital city does not have adequate water for its denizens. This compels them to queue for hours in order to get a jar of water. Many are forced to purchase bottled water which can be very expensive. Those who can afford to do so procure water by buying water from tankers. A matter of immense concern is that the traditional water spouts are drying up in most parts of the country. Water spouts which used to supply bountiful of water are drying up. Boring water is being increasingly used which is having an adverse impact on the water level. With the passage of time one needs to bore deeper. We need to worry about this since much of the water cannot be replenished. Moreover, the water in many rivers is being polluted due to the sewage flowing into them. Previously they used to be crystal clear with aquatic fauna.  The scarcity of drinking water should be taken up seriously as over the years there is more demand for it which is not being met. Almost all parts of the country are witnessing a water crisis which is becoming critical. Hand washing Global Hand Washing Day was observed Sunday with an objective of creating awareness about the importance of hand washing. Hand washing is the easiest way to prevent communicable diseases and to remain healthy. If a person properly washes his/her hand every time after going to the toilet or work one can be safe from pneumonia, diarrhea, typhoid and other communicable diseases that are transmitted from person to person. Human beings carry out most of the work with hands, the most active and sensitive organs without which man cannot lead a daily life. So we need to take care of our hands for we carry out the works and eat with our hands. We must wash our hands after using diapers, sneezing, coughing, travelling through public or private vehicles or places, getting in contact with tools, soil and treating patients. More than that, we need to teach our children how to wash hands, mouth and legs after returning home from schools and playgrounds. Once they develop the habit of washing hands every time they do some works they will learn this lesson throughout their life and they will also teach it to the next generation.