
Love for reading

Love for reading

By Dixya Sharma Poudel

Twitter isn’t really for me. Facebook is getting too familiar. The new reigning social media is Instagram. Instagram is a photo sharing app that allows the users to upload and share photos either privately or publicly. Although Instagram has been in the social scene since October 2010, I started my Instagram account in 2016. I have a book account in Instagram which is also known as bookstagram. Bookstagram is a book account in Instagram where the user posts beautiful pictures of books and bookish merchandise along with book reviews. I think Instagram has caused a rage over paper books. Paper books due to their gorgeous covers make for perfect photos. Bookstagrammers take unique and beautiful pictures of books. Some bookstagrammers take pictures outdoors in beautiful backgrounds in nature. Others take photos indoors in gorgeous settings and lightings. The viewers can like and comment on the stunning pictures of books in Instagram. It is fun to go through fellow bookstagrammers’ feed and read the book reviews and comments. It is also equally fun to receive comments on my own account. Bookstagrammers are respectful and friendly towards each other. The discussion and debates on the feed tend to be interesting and diverse. Additionally, I credit bookstagram for refining my taste in literature. As an avid reader, most of my days are spent reading books and writing their reviews. I mostly read literary fiction as I prefer figurative and poetic prose. In my book account in Instagram I pair pictures of books I am currently reading with interesting and unique quotes from the books. One of the focuses of bookstagram is to be open to new book recommendations. As a bookstagrammer, I can reach out to fellow readers and discuss my passion of reading. Throughout my short time as a bookstagrammer, I have learnt that there are people like me who sort of live to read. Another benefit of bookstagram is that I can brush up on my photography skills. I can say that running a bookstagram has been a creative outlet for me. Most people read for escape, entertainment and knowledge. I do too but additionally I read for inspiration to be a better person. Bookstagram has granted me a forum to speak about books that matter and gain a perspective for better life all the while doing what I most love: reading.