
BOOK REVIEW: Peace here

BOOK REVIEW: Peace here

By Himalayan News Service


A child’s perspective to the problems that the world is facing today is what the book Peace Where? is all about. It is a collection of poems by Anup Karki of New Leera School, Bhatbhateni.

The emotions that evolve are surprisingly mature for a 13-year-old. Moreover, the poems deal with issues like peace, war, pollution, greed, amon other things, all quite serious for a child. Yet he has addressed these problems and admirably expressed them in poetic form.

The poems are brilliant, considering they were written at the tender age of 8-13. All 31 poems give the reader an insight to a chil-d’s mind and how he perceives the world’s woes. Nine poems are centered on peace.

Anup’s effort to bring forward our need for peace is praiseworthy. His work is like a diamond in need of polishing.

The collection in Anup’s words is “just the beginning of my literary journey” and he hopes the readers will accept him and his poems as an amateur’s effort. (Published by Banita Parkashan and priced at Rs 45 (individual) and Rs 150 (institutional).