Laughter and love
Laughter and love
Published: 12:00 am Feb 15, 2006
Celebrating Valentine’s Day in this way could not have been better or more enjoyable. If you love someone, what do you do? Possibly write verses, right? And even if you do not possess one poetic blood cell in you anatomy, you might still attempt it, correct?
Well, the theatre hall at Gurukul was crammed with a patiently awaiting audience all waiting to hear our poets say their piece on love. Organised by the Kabita Club and Gurukul, this was poetry recitation with a difference.
“The recitation coincided with Valentine’s Day, which is not our culture,” the announcer said in rather defensive tone, “It was a sheer coincidence.”
Coincidence or not, it was sheer pleasure and fun and the hall thundered with laughter as the poets described their loves.
Anamol Mani, Tulsi Diwas, Narayan Shrestha, Bhupal Rai, Ramesh Kshitiz, Rajendra Salabh, Biplav ‘Pratik’, Bimala Tumkhewa, Shrawan Mukarung, Padam Gautam and Bairagi Kaila were all cheered and their recitations received much applause.
“One of my female colleagues would frequently talk about the chilly winters and her frail health,” Padam Gautam said, adding, “It was only years later that I got to know she had
huge crush on me,” inferring that love should be expressed clearly before time runs out.
The 200-strong audience cackled at his naivety. Gautam humorous poem Jado ra prem (The Cold and the Love) brought the audience much needed laughter.
Some poems recited were rather difficult to crack and a few made irrelevant analogies that created frightening scenes rather than comforting love-scenes. It was said there was a dearth of love in a troubled country like ours and the poets seemed vent their anger through love poems. Senior litterateur Bairagi Kayila took over the mike and the audience’s waning interest not a moment too soon.
The audience loved his hilarious comments on Tulasi Diwas’ ‘eligible bachelor state’ at the age of 60 in Rahechha aayu kebal and Mero dukhi mana. He even suggested ‘of marriageable age’ Bimal Tumkhewa to think early and while there was still time.
Tumkhewa recalled that one of her male colleagues saying no one would ever fall for her unless she changed her harsh manner. “I started believing it since no one fancies me and wrote the poem, Arajak muskan (Anarchist smile),” she said.
And definitely she will never get her Valentine if she sees chaos in smiles and turns rebellious.