


By Rishi Singh

Guess paper dependence

This refers to Mana Prasad Wagley’s article “Education System: Culture of guides and guess papers” published in THT on February 16. The article was interesting as it tried to explore the dependence of students and teachers, both in private and public institutions, on guides and guess papers.

I would like to add two key points to reinforce the author’s opinion. Firstly, the syllabus is too ambiguous, whereas it is supposed to be self-explanatory. This compels even the diligent students to depend on their teachers, who are themselves confused about the actual requirement of the course. Then both the teachers and the students, in turn, depend on guides and guess papers. Secondly, the entire system, from syllabus formulation to preparation of questionnaire and checking answer sheets, is faulty and is dominated by a few senior teachers, which makes it difficult for junior or fresh teachers to understand the actual needs of the courses they teach. Thus their dependence increases.

Nayan Joshi, via e-mail


Lately I went to Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) to receive my brother.

Unfortunately, his flight was four hours late and I had to endlessly wait at TIA’s main entrance.

It is sad that so much inconvenience is caused to the public in the name of security. There is no place to rest or to talk about in waiting rooms, outside the gate. The TIA authorities should do something for the public. It can surely allocate funds from its huge budget to build a place at least to sit.

Riya Sharma, Kupondol

New decree

Pratik Chauhan’s letter “No Doctors” (THT, Feb. 7) in which he said that hundreds of MBBS doctors have migrated abroad for better opportunity is true. Since the doctors are paid less here and as many health centres in the villages have closed down because of the insurgency the MBBS scholars are moving out of the country.

However, the government is now said to be planning to introduce an ordinance whereby internship duration for MBBS doctors will be increased by a couple of years. This means a graduate would need at least seven years to complete his course.

Sumit Pokhrel, Shankhamul

No cheating

This is in response to Dhananjay Shah’s Midway piece “Love is Life” published in THT on February 14. I found the article exciting as Shah interpreted the meaning of love. And ‘love’ is an interesting subject for all teenagers. I feel there should be no room for cheating or any sort of deception when two people are in love. Trust is an important part of love and I am sure that is what the writer meant by the phrase ‘It is a bond of two hearts.’

Ganesh Karkinod and Raj Laudari, TU

More soccer

It is disappointing not to see any football-related articles in THT of late. Also, I was really upset that you do not cover the European League held on weekends in Europe. Not a word was mentioned about the win of Real Madrid and loss of Barcelona in the Spanish League recently.

You should publish more football news, especially the European League ones.

Harsit Gurung, via e-mail