In the lost ark
In the lost ark
ByPublished: 12:00 am Mar 26, 2006
Raiders of the Lost Ark, also known as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, is directed by Steven Spielberg and is a fantasy adventure.
The story introduces us to archaeologist, Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford). Jones is a professor of archaeology and also acquires artifacts for Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliott), who works for a museum. He is accompanied by Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) and Sallah (John Rhys-Davies). His adversary is Rene Belloq (Paul Freeman).
Raiders never stops for you to take your bre-ath. It is filled with rich characters. It will be screened as part of the American Movi Month at the American Library on March 27 at 9:00 am.