Secy tampers with bill
Secy tampers with bill
Published: 08:22 am Feb 16, 2019
KATHMANDU: Chairperson of the State Affairs and Good Governance Committee of the Federal Parliament, Shashi Shrestha was infuriated on Friday after the committee’s Secretary Sudarshan Khadka added an extra word to the bill drafted to replace the Civil Servant Adjustment Ordinance. He had tampered with the document to serve the vested interest of civil servants employed in the Federal Parliament Secretariat. The bill had originally stated that the federal government could transfer employees of the Federal Parliament Secretariat to provinces and local levels. But he added the word, ‘centre’, to the bill to pave the way for the transfer of staff of the secretariat at the central level as well. He had made the change because many employees at the secretariat are unhappy after the government clawed back their bonuses. But Shrestha detected the change and asked Khadka to correct it.