Banned companies pay tax
Banned companies pay tax
Published: 07:14 am Mar 19, 2019
POKHARA: Eight paragliding companies registered their businesses and paid renewal fees to Pokhara Metropolis. The metropolis had barred ten paragliding companies for failing to register their business and renew them on Monday. After metropolis employees took vehicles of the companies under control and banned their flights, eight companies renewed their registration. The eight companies paid Rs 91,000 each to the metropolis. After registration and renewal, the metropolis released the seized vehicles. Vehicles of Golden Heaven, Advanced, Fly TG, Namaste, Himalayan Sky, Annapurna, Aerolight, and Dragon Fly had been seized. Metropolis Information Officer Gangalal Subedi said they were forced to take action against the companies for ignoring to repeated calls and deadlines to renew their business.