
Universal health

Universal health


Universal health coverage (UHC)—ensuring that all people receive the quality health services they need without suffering financial hardship—is an integral part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. At the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan this week, a first-ever joint session of ministers of health and finance from G20 members will focus on how to ensure sustainable financing of UHC in developing countries. Our just launched World Bank report, High-Performance Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage, that informed the discussions at the G20 shows that the majority of developing countries will fail to achieve UHC targets set for 2030 unless they take urgent steps to reconfigure their health financing. The report shows how insufficient, inefficient and inequitable financing of health means that people in developing countries pay about half a trillion dollars a year or over $80 per capita in out-of-pocket health expenses... — blog.wb.org/blogs