
RPP (Democratic) Dhankuta district committee dissolved

RPP (Democratic) Dhankuta district committee dissolved

By Himalayan News Service

Dhankuta, July 8 Dhankuta District Committee of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Democratic) was dissolved citing deviation from the party’s principle. Organising a press meet today, the district committee informed about the dissolution of the committee saying the party had failed to move ahead in accordance with late Surya Bahadur Thapa’s ideology and philosophy. Nineteen of the 21 district committee members issued the joint press statement informing the committee was dissolved as Thapa’s son Sunil Bahadur Thapa was interested in personal gains. The party’s Dhankuta Chair Kumar Bahadur Thapa said they had dissolved the party as it was becoming a group of royalists and supporters of Hindu state. “We have dissolved the district committee as the central leadership has given up the political philosophy and ideology adopted by late Thapa,” said Chair Thapa. The press statement states 19 of the 21 district committee members, two regional presidents, and chairs of Pakhribas Municipality and Sangurigadi RM had quit the party.