
Kapilvastu museum relics left to rot

Kapilvastu museum relics left to rot

By Himalayan News Service

Kapilvastu, May 1:

Authorities concerned here have shown little interest in preserving relics of archaeological and historic importance dug up during excavations in Kapilvastu.

Relics can be found scattered everywhere on Kapilvastu museum premises. Portraits depicting the Tilaurakot Darbar and Gotihawa and other carved artefacts lie strewn all over the place. Clay statues of Buddha, Suddhodhan, Maya Devi, Ganesh, Shiva, Parvati languish in a waiting room at the back of the museum and on a grassy tract besides.

Kripa Shankar Gupta, a museum official, said though the museum had informed the Department of Archaeology about the neglect of the relics, nothing had come out of it.

The museum is plagued by the lack of display area, old showcases and small rooms.