
Labourers’ cause taken up

Labourers’ cause taken up

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, May 11:

Nepali Congress-Democratic leader Pradip Giri today said trade unions should come up with a strong agenda and fight with the parties to have it implemented, rather than wait for the parties to consider it.

“Not only democracy, but even republic would be meaningless if food, clothes and shelter are not guaranteed,” he said. He was addressing a seminar on constituent assembly and inclusiveness of labourers.

Bimalendra Nidhi, the general secretary of NC-D, said wide discussion should be held on how to include labourers in restructuring of the state and what kind of inclusion should be appropriate and how this is possible.

UML leader Shankar Pokhrel said one should seek room for labourers in the governing philosophy of the state itself.

Globalisation has changed the value of labour and the labourers should also consider this fact.

Former speaker Daman Nath Dhungana said a national agenda for labourers should be declared before trying to solve their problems.

Dr Devendra Pandey, a civil society leader, said more interaction with the trade union is needed to make the parties clear on their demands.

Acting president of DECONT Khila Nath Dahal urged the government to scrap the Labour Ordinance and declare guarantee of labour rights.

HoR upholds professional rights

KATHMANDU: The House of Representatives (HoR) on Thursday endorsed a proposal tabled by MP Pradip Gyawali to ensure the basic trade union rights of professionals and civil servants guaranteed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions. The guarantee, however, does not include security personnel, gazetted first class officers and above, and managerial chiefs. The HoR also directed the government to create legal mechanisms in the labour and trade union acts to guarantee labour rights. Reading out the proposal of public importance, Gyawali referred to the seven-party alliance’s call to the mass professionals to join the movement. — HNS