
CREDOS : Positive thinking — II

CREDOS : Positive thinking — II

By Patti Teel

Challenge your child to direct all statements that start with “I am,” towards positive statements and goals. Negative affirmations such as “I’m just stupid” or “I’m always sick” are very harmful because they can penetrate a child’s subconscious, which accepts them — hook, line, and sinker. Our minds and bodies are not separate entities — they are connected. When a child creates positive pictures and self-suggestion, it can have a beneficial effect on both his physical and emotional health. It sounds simplistic; however, children who picture themselves as happy and healthy will be taking an important step towards becoming happy and healthy throughout their entire lives. Happiness and sound health are gifts that each child can give himself through the power of his own thoughts and imagination.

As parents, we always need to keep in mind that we are our children’s heroes and role models. If we are continuously worried and self-critical, our children are likely to be the same. Worrying projects negative energy and it doesn’t do you or your children a bit of good. In fact, when children are aware that their parents are worried about them, it projects a lack of faith and they tend to feel more anxious. Admittedly, there are times when our worries are well founded. Even then, instead of worrying and imagining the worst possible scenario, try to focus on the positive outcome that you desire and on actions that can help to bring it about. — Beliefnet.com (Concluded)