
Playboy covergirl does it

Playboy covergirl does it

By Rajan Pokhrel

Kathmandu :

Thirty-one-year-old Polish model, journalist and TV show hostess Martyna Wojciechowska created sensation when she conquered Mt Everest on May 18.

She ascended the peak with Boguslaw Ogrodnik, Tomasz Kobielski, Janusz Adamski, Dariusz Zaluski and three Sherpas , including Ang Dorjee on his 12th summit. The Polish Falvit Expedition-2006 was led by Ogrodnik.

Martyna is associated with two TV shows, Automaniak and Misia Martyna and said, “I am not just a showgirl-model. I work as a journalist with TVN Television, which is the Poland’s 24-hour news channel.”

She has also worked for magazines – Voyage and Playboy and has been featured on Playboy’s cover. “We smiled and waved at the world below on May 18,” teammate Kobielski.

Martyna was the only woman there. “I felt out of place considering many were veterans,” she confessed. “Our team was small for Everest conditions but we were highly motivated.”

Martyna said her Everest summit was the first in the modeling history of Poland.

She is likely the first Playboy covergirl to reach the summit, said Nima Nuru Sherpa, the expedition organiser.

Martyna became the third Polish woman to climb Everest, and the youngest one. She said that she would be back next year to attempt Mt Cho-Oyu.