
Dr KC taken to Trauma Centre upon return from Jumla

Dr KC taken to Trauma Centre upon return from Jumla

By THT Online

Dr Govinda KC addressing at a press meet in Dadeldhura district before beginning his 17th hunger strike on Monday, November 4, 2019. Photo: Baburam Shrestha/THT

KATHMANDU: Dr Govinda KC who had been staging a hunger strike in Jumla was taken to National Trauma Centre after he landed in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Dr KC took Buddha Air flight from Nepalgunj to the capital city to continue his strike in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Maharajgunj. However, police apparently diverted him to the Trauma centre instead of allowing passage to the TUTH. It has been learnt that Dr KC is admitted to the emergency ward of the centre. Dr KC who had been staging hunger strikes demanding reforms in medical education and health sectors had started his recent strike in Jumla. He was airlifted to Nepalgunj from Jumla on Monday. The Trauma Centre is currently substituting for Bir Hospital which has been designated a Covid hospital.