
beauty tips : Give your child the health advantage

beauty tips : Give your child the health advantage

By beauty tips : Give your child the health advantage

Basically, all babies are blessed with soft and tender the skin. With a little care we can help them retain that healthy advantage Start before the cradle: During your pregnancy, keep calm and encourage peaceful, loving thoughts because it has been scientifically proved that your attitude and moods affect the foetus. The correct attitude leads to good physical and mental health, which is the basic requirement of beauty.

Good food habits: Good skin and hair is the result of a healthy diet. If you start your daughter on the right kind of food, she will gain the healthy advantage. You can give her a few sweets and chocolates, but make sure that they are rationed. Encourage her to eat good wholesome food like milk, cheese, eggs, fish, meat and plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits. Snack time can be fun time as you whip up some interesting healthy snacks and discourage fried food.

Hair and skin care: Teach your little girl to keep her hair clean and neat. A mild shampoo and regular brushing should keep them in good condition. Regular trims are a must as are oil massages. At this age it is always better to keep hair short so that they are well maintained and healthy. When she grows up, the choice is hers. As for her skin, you should teach her to massage her face with homemade face packs of gram flour and cream or milk, depending on her skin type, especially in winter. This will keep her skin soft.

Hygiene: A daily bath is a must. And should be doubled in summers. A fragrant talcum powder will help her feel fresh and clean. Deodorants should not be encouraged before her teens. After this you can teach her to use a little eau de cologne in her bath for an even fresher cleaner feeling. Self-esteem is important to a growing teenager. Does your daughter brush her teeth twice a day? Do teach her the habit of good dental hygiene and make a visit to your dentist at least twice a year for the best results. You are laying the foundation to an attractive, sparkling smile.

Foot care: This is a very important area, as good foot care would mean a good style of walking. And walking and exercise are necessary to maintain a good figure. Shoes are one area where hand-me-downs should be avoided, as you need a good fit. If the shoe is too tight, or pinches her little feet, she might get into the habit of walking in an odd manner. Comfort is of the utmost importance and you should go in for straps or laces for young children. If your child’s foot is not arched, as it should, it would be best to seek expert advice.