Designer innovations
Designer innovations
Published: 12:00 am Sep 01, 2006
Only a fortnight ago the Capital witnessed the Sunsilk Nepal Fashion Week and now it’s the time for Flame of Innovation 2006 put up by the final year students of Namuna College of Fashion Technology (NCFT).
To be held on September 2 at Hotel Yak and Yeti, the proceeds of the evening will go towards GIFT Bajura the education, health and better life of the children of Bajura.
The Flame of Innovation will showcase designs 102 by 16 sixteen graduates of NCFT in seven sequences. The sequences have been titled ‘Modification of traditional dress’, ‘Draped garments’, ‘Creative wear’, ‘Patriotic wear’, Prints, ‘Trendrs 2007’ and ‘Bajura special’.
What’s a little different about this fashion show is that apart from the regular ramp models, some designers will themselves be walking the ramp in their creations.
So be there to witness the innovations that these young talents have designed for the people of Nepal. The show starts at 4:00 pm.