
Govt to execute pending health plans

Govt to execute pending health plans

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, November 7:

The government is formulating a three-year plan based on medium-term expenditure framework to execute health programmes that have remained pending in the 10th five-year plan.

Arjun Bahadur Singh, spokesperson at the Health Ministry, said the programmes would mostly focus on construction of primary health care centres and improvement of health services.

The plans would be complete by February and March so that it could be implemented from next fiscal year, said Singh.

The government is doing its homework to implement the three-year plan, as it is unlikely to implement the 11th five-year plan due to current political scenario.

According to Singh, the three-year plan will give continuity to the 10th five-year plan, and give more emphasis on rehabilitation and reconstruction of the damaged infrastructure.

Chautara-based District Hospital, which was bombed will also be renovated, said Singh.

The National Planning Commission (NPC) held a meeting with the Health Ministry officials yesterday to discuss about the three -year plan.

“The health programmes that got less priority due to various reasons in the last four years will get more priority this time,” said Singh.

About 250 government institutions, including police stations, district education offices, village development committee offices and others are awaiting reconstruction.