


By Rishi Singh

Genuine demands:

While much has been made of the recent unrest in the Terai region, it should not be forgotten that many demands raised by organisations in the Terai are legitimate. The people of the Terai region have suffered from discrimination for many years, such as limited access to state facilities. If they do not speak up now, their voices might never be heard. The Maoists’ accusation that the palace has been behind the unrest is quite simply not true. The Madhesis’ genuine demands cannot be brushed aside by such accusations. It is important to bear in mind that failure to address the problems of the Terai may trigger another armed conflict.

Umesh Rauniyar, via e-mail

Visa policy:

People who are protesting against the faulty selection process for the United States visa are right. Visa officers seem to select applicants more often on their whims than on well-defined criteria. Therefore, luck is often the deciding factor, not the fulfilment of acceptable criteria. Besides, people are required to pay high visa fees but the services are very poor. Newspapers should investigate the issue and make their reports public.

Tenzing Y Lama, via e-mail

New notes:

It was great to read the report “Proposal to rub out king from notes” (THT, Jan. 25). Now the Nepalis will have one more thing to be proud about: their bank notes. It would be a good idea, as reported, to replace the King’s picture with those of monuments like Mt Everest and of historical figures which have done the country proud. This new emphasis will reflect the aspiration of millions of Nepalis and it would also strengthen the sense of nationalism among the people.

Shiva Neupane, Golfutar

Chilly Magh :

Following a relatively mild month of Poush, temperatures have plummeted in Magh. It is believed that the country warms up after Maghe Sankranti. But the reality is the opposite this year. Thankfully, there has not been much rain this month. Global warming seems to have had no effect on Nepal’s weather.

Kusum Kharel, via e-mail


I was very happy to read about the launching of seven films, all at once, at the Gopi Krishna Hall (“Lucky seven”, THT, Jan. 25). All the seven movies — five Nepali and two Bhojpuri — will reportedly be filmed in a digital format. This is great news for moviegoers who love Nepali and regional films. But I would like to point to a small mistake in the list of the seven movies in the report. The film Ganga Jhut Na Bolawe was mentioned twice, omitting the name of the seventh film.

Sanjeev Giri, Basundhara, Dhapasi

Music boom :

The Nepali music industry has seen a boom of late as technology has made it possible to record catchy music videos at a low cost. Hence, many people are taking to music in quest of name and fame. Judging by the progress of technology and the mass interest in music, the next generation of artists may be even better.

Bimika Dhakal, NIBS