



Culprit: Lack of visibility

This is in reference to the news regarding the causes of a plane crash in Nepal published in THT on May 27. Most of the air accidents that have occurred in the country at different times have mostly been a result of poor visibility. Airliners of Thai Airways and Pakistan International Airways crashed because of poor visibility. Moreover, some 10 years ago, a domestic airliner smashed into a hillock nearby because the pilot did not have perfect knowledge about the geography. An army plane crashed in Dhangadi in a similar way about 15 years ago. Thus, poor visibility and the lack of geographical knowledge are the causes of such accidents rather than the mountainous terrain. Dr Amrit KC, Bishalnagar

Proper system

Recently, I had to visit the office that issues driving license. I was annoyed to know that one had to submit a certificate issued by a driving institute along with the application. It is really impractical to ask for such a certificate because many people learn to drive themselves or through their friends. This eliminates any chance for others who do not go to driving institutes. Why should they produce a bought certificate when they have not learnt from any institute? It is illogical to impose such a compulsion, which moreover, illicit business of 'selling certificates.' The expenditure required in producing that certificate just adds up to the already high amount of money one has to pay for the forms, besides taxes. Moreover, I noticed brokers freely moving in the office and surpassing the ordinary clients in queue. The authorities should take adequate acid tests to ensure the ability of an applicant. However, the process should be hassle-free. The business of brokers has boomed because the lengthy procedure has compelled them to seek a quicker alternative. I urge the authorities to grow in proper system. Manu Bhandari, Kathmandu

Water quality

An article recently published in your newspaper regarding water pollution indeed presents an alarming situation of water quality in the Kathmandu Valley. The result of the water quality tests presented in this report, however, leaves some questions unanswered. For instance, in theory, if the water shows a high residual chlorine concentration, there should not be any faecal coliform present in the water. However, the study has shown that most of the water samples had high residual chlorine as well as high faecal coliform levels. Moreover, if the drinking water was indeed contaminated with sewage, as is generally believed, there is no possibility of high free chlorine residue as it will immediately react with ammonia and form chloramines (combined residual chlorine). In light of these two facts, the results of the study seem to be contradictory. I hope, these issues will be clarified by the concerned experts.

Dr Keshab Sharma, via e-mail

Feebly inked

The Midway is popular among young readers like us. Reading the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the contemporaries is really amazing. It is great to know that we have some insightful people among us. However, articles like We Live to Eat is 'mud in lotus', we say. The editor should keep in mind about the articles that suits this section which has the power to inspire others. This very article is neither resourceful nor insightful; it is a nothing-special-one, which has been inked feebly. Swagat, a regular writer in this section, has written feebly this time! Nandini Sharma, Kathmandu