
Bose’s female role

Bose’s female role


MUMBAI: Actor Rahul Bose, who entertained audiences at a rugby event by posing as a female newsreader, hopes that was the first and last time he went “truly overboard”.

“It was the first and hopefully last occasion when I’ve gone truly and really overboard. It was at the Rugger Revue, a fund-raising event for us rugby players done on a very large scale at the Mumbai Gymkhana,” Rahul said. “All of us have to perform skits, gags, tell jokes... I was the only professional actor among us rugby players and had no ethical issues about hamming it up to the hilt.” Rahul played a female newsreader, an infant, an over-the-top lecherous Bengali and a caricature of a Tamilian on Saturday.

“Saying my performances were over the top is putting it very mildly. The one word that you’ve to leave at the door when you walk in for the Rugger Revue is subtlety. There were basically a lot of Gymkhana members getting together to raise money by going on stage at the risk of making fools of themselves,” he said.