
Thapa’s Tilled Earth launched

Thapa’s Tilled Earth launched

By Himalayan News Service


On May 27, renowned writer Manjushree Thapa celebrated her new book Tilled Earth with people about whom she writes and from whom she has learned to write.

Launched by poet Wayne Amtizis and filmmaker Kesang Tseten, Tilled Earth is a collection of short stories. The stories revolve around Nepal, as Thapa’s characters are either Nepalis living abroad, expatriates living in Nepal or just a simple Nepali struggling through life.

At the launch, Amtizis read the closing sentence of the last story of the book and talked about the way those words of the character symbolised Thapa’s way of thinking when she writes.

“She can speak with utmost authenticity about the lives of others,” he said.

Tseten expressed that Thapa’s stories speak for themselves and are at the same time understood by others.

He said, “Perception and the aesthetic shines through every story of hers.”

The hall at the British Council was packed with the who’s who of the literary and journalism world. The opportunity to get hold of the new book by a writer of such calibre and to meet her as well was hard to resist for all book lovers.

Former ambassador Bhek Bhahdur Thapa and his wife were present to lend support to their daughter and share in her achievement.

Thapa read three micro-stories from the book. With a huge smile Thapa expressed her happiness for being able to “celebrate an optimistic book at an optimistic time”.

Tilled Earth has been published by Penguin India.