On the job : Spic and span
On the job : Spic and span
ByPublished: 12:00 am Jun 14, 2007
It’s always better to have an organised desk. However, many
times we do not know how to keep our workspace free of clutter. Follow the tips and see how organised you can get.
• Get rid of pens/pencils you don’t need. If you aren’t going to use all of them, don’t feel bad about throwing them out.
• Have a place for pocket stuff like keys, phone, wallet, earpiece.
• If you use it every day, it should be closer than something you use only a few times each week.
• Easy to access files: Without moving your chair or getting up, you should be able to grab an unused manila folder, label it and put it in your file cabinet.
• Make sure you have your cleaning supplies nearby. This will help encourage you to clean it off more often.
• Keep a scratch notepad: During the course of the day you will have telephone numbers, names, addresses, order confirmations, flight numbers. Avoid grabbing a nearby envelope and writing a telephone number on it. By keeping a notebook, specifically for these types of items, you will not lose nearly as many things.
• Make sure you have enough light on your desk. A bright work area is easier to keep clean than a dark one.
• Organise as you go. You should be constantly working on keeping your desk neat. If you do it everyday, it will keep things headed in the right direction for you.