Charming Whiffenpoofs
Charming Whiffenpoofs
Published: 12:00 am Jul 07, 2007
It was a treat for music aficionados assembled at the Nepal Music Centre on July 7. The world’s oldest (since 1909) and reportedly the best known collegiate a capella singing group from the US, the Yale University Wittenpoofs, charmed the audience with their repertoire pulled from different genres of music, including ballads and country.
A capella singing does not involve any musical instrument, and everything is performed through vocal. During their performance, one singer separated from the rest and warbled out the lead while the rest provided the background tunes and, often, descriptive gestures.
The 12 boys, all in their undergraduate level, were first felicitated by NMC board member and lyricist Ratna Sumsher Thapa. Then a short speech by Sharon Hudson Dean, Acting Director, American Center, followed before the musical event finally kicked off.
The audience, comprising foreigners as well as Nepalis, enjoy the singing equally and the different styles of a capella singing. The jamming of classical vocalist Prabhu Dhakal with the group providing an Irish melody was also enjoyed by all.
“It was magnificent. We’ve received a great response, and we would like to thank all for giving us such hospitable welcome,” said group leader Mark Wittman.
The group is on a 87-day world tour and will be visiting 17 countries.