
Taking rejection in stride

Taking rejection in stride

By Himalayan News Service


While applying for a job, there is no guarantee that you will get selected. Accepting rejection can be very frustrating for many, especially if you had performed well in your interview. However, one should always keep in mind the simple fact that only one person will be selected and someone else mi-ght be more qualified than you.

Karishma Kaushik, Administrative Executive of The New Era, says, “When someone

is preparing to face an interview, s/he should go in with a positive attitude and should also be mentally prepared to be rejected.”

Taking it personally will do no good for you. Always take criticism in a positive manner and do not get disheartened as that might have a negative impact on your confidence. You don’t want to perform below your ability in your next interview, so keep your motivation level high.

Rejection is something that you need to deal with throughout your life. Even after you get a job, there could be many instances when you will face negative responses. Be it your pay raise being declined or refusal of your ideas, rejection is a part and parcel of your professional life.

Facing rejections at office

• Being denied a pay raise you asked for can make you feel that all the work you’ve done has not been appreciated. But you should remember that a negative response is not always an indication of your work. There are so many other financial factors that the company has to take into consideration while allocating their budget. To add up there are other external factors like inflation and the country’s economy, which are beyond the company’s hands.

• Increment in your paycheque is not the only raise you look for in your job, promotion is another thing that people aspire for in their professional life. However, there is no guarantee that you will get promoted regularly. There can be many reasons for the delay in your promotion like there may be no room for a more senior post in your department. This does not mean that you stop working on your personal growth.

• Criticism is never nice especially when it is you at the receiving end. When it comes from your boss, it is even more hurting as it also means that your idea has not been

accepted. The best thing to do is to identify the reasons for the rejection rather than getting emotional about the whole affair.

Handling it right

• You should try your best not to be emotional about your work. It is but obvious that you get frustrated but restraining yourself from reacting emotionally will always be beneficial. Instead of dwelling on the rejection that has happened, try focusing on doing a great job on projects in hand.

• It is very important for you to clear your thoughts before going for an interview or attempting any ambitious projects. You can either talk to your friend or get rid of all the anxiety by breathing deeply and calmly. You should learn to separate emotions from the issue in question.

According to Kaushik, the best way to handle rejections is by treating them as a learning experience. She suggests, “Maintain a positive attitude. Take your rejection as a learning experience and a stepping stone. Know your weaknesses — where did you go wrong?”

Thus, you should try to take rejections in your stride and avoid being bogged down by it. And how should you do that?

Kaushik says, “By not giving up hope and practicing perseverance.”