
Stress on rooting out intra-Dalit bias

Stress on rooting out intra-Dalit bias

By Stress on rooting out intra-Dalit bias

Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, March 1:

The president of National Dalit Commission (NDC), Bhagwat Biswasi Pariyar, today said that the status of Dalits cannot improve unless all the Dalits unite to root out intra-Dalit discrimination.

Addressing a face-to-face programme organised by Jagaran Media Centre here today Pariyar said that without eliminating the intra-Dalit discrimination, the Dalits cannot move ahead and fight discrimination practiced by the so-called upper caste people. He, however, lauded the need to make a joint effort as few people or organisations cannot solve the gigantic problem.

He informed that around one lakh Dalits earn their livelihood by begging in the streets while the Madhesi Dalits are deprived of

citizenship certificates which means that they do not have access to land, eduction and employment.