


By Rishi Singh

OPEC talks on output

RIYADH: OPEC leaders ended their summit clearly divided on key issues, leaving open questions about the use of the waning dollar for oil trading and the cartel’s willingness to increase production. A final declaration from the newly enlarged 13-member oil exporters’ group on Sunday pledged reliable supplies, urged world peace to help stabilise prices and included a commitment to help fight global warming. — AFP

Call for flexible forex

KLEINMOND: Finance leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies called for greater exchange rate flexibility from countries with large current account surpluses in an apparent reference to China. China had been expected to come under pressure at the group’s meeting to re-value its tightly controlled yuan. — AP

S’pore growth target

SINGAPORE: Singapore on Monday raised its 2007 growth targets from seven to eight per cent to 7.5-8 per cent after the economy grew at a faster pace in the third quarter. In the three months to September, GDP grew an annual 8.9 per cent. — AFP