Supermodel Bundchen says she’s ‘boring’
Supermodel Bundchen says she’s ‘boring’
Published: 12:00 am Jan 17, 2005
Rio De Janeiro: Gisele Bundchen may be a leggy Brazilian supermodel, but she’s no Bond girl. In fact, she says, she’s kind of dull. Bundchen, at a news conference Friday, denied rumours she had been invited to play the love interest in the next James Bond film. “I never received that invitation,” she said. “You know what happens? I’m a very boring person. I work a lot, I go home from work, I eat dinner, sleep. I don’t take drugs, I’m not scandalous. So people have to start inventing things about me to publish in the columns,” she said. The news conference took place after Bundchen appeared at Rio Fashion, a weeklong fashion event that showcases the autumn/winter collections of local designers. Bundchen, who paraded for the Brazilian label Colcci, did leave open the possibility of participating in other film projects, however. — AP