
Rainfall pattern changing: Report

Rainfall pattern changing: Report

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, July 18:

The pattern of rainfall is changing in Nepal, says a report, adding that this development does not augur well for the agriculture sector.

Report of a study says that it rains heavily for days on end, but farms cannot retain water. Rainwater thus flushes out fields or fertilisers.

The study was conducted by Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists Nepal and Practical Action.

Monthly rainfall from 166 stations and monthly temperature from 45 stations all over the country recorded for the period of 30 years were used for the study.

“We have more rainfall than we used to have. But the duration of rainfall has decreased,” said Suresh Marahatta, secretary of the society.

Talking to this daily, he said, “With more rain, people hope that crop yield will go up, but this does not happen.”

According to the result, annual rainfall is increasing in Kaski, Makwanpur and Sankhuwasabha,

while it is decreasing in Dolakha, Kapilbastu, Dang and Solukhumbu.

“Three highest rainfall pocket areas were observed at windward parts -- one at Southern slope of Makalu range in the east, second Jugal range in the central and third Annapurna in the west,” he said.

The highest and lowest annual precipitations are recorded at Lumle (5402 mm) and Lomanthang (143.6 mm). Interestingly, the two stations are only 50 kilometres from each other, but position of mountains between them makes the difference.

The country receives about 12.7 per cent, 79.6 per cent and 4.2 per cent of the total annual rainfall during Pre-Monsoon, Monsoon and Post-Monsoon period respectively.