SCHOOL TIMES : Disciplined, or just obeying orders?
SCHOOL TIMES : Disciplined, or just obeying orders?
ByPublished: 12:00 am Nov 13, 2008
Some days ago I saw a schoolboy teasing a tourist in an immoral way. A number of thoughts crossed my mind. I wondered what he had learnt in school. I felt pity for him because he was unknowingly spoiling his future. And it was this incident that inspired me to write this article based on discipline as our soul of life.
Discipline teaches us to obey rules. It is one of the secrets of success which impacts our behaviour. It has two aspects, namely abstract and apparent. The trained and peaceful mind which has controlled emotions fall under the abstract aspect of discipline. Obeying rules, regulations, orders and directions are apparent aspects of discipline.
Human society hinges on the foundations of discipline. It teaches us to obey orders of our elders and superiors. The seed of discipline sown in childhood guides a person in adopting the right career. It has a significant place in family, society, games, army and so on. It is the very virtue that separates human beings from animals. So it is regarded as the most valuable element of our life.
No home, society or nation can be peaceful and prosperous unless its people are disciplined. Education without discipline is not considered complete. Every learned and learning one must understand this. The place where discipline does not have a firm position, conflicts, wars and several other disasters take place. Without discipline a situation of confusion and chaos is created everywhere.
The seed of discipline is very necessary to be sown in childhood because it matures and becomes the character of a person. However, a child should not be pushed too much to follow discipline. Excessive discipline leads to exploitation of self-freedom in this context.
— Ritesh Chaudhary, Class X, Siddhartha Vanasthali School