IN OTHER WORDS: New horizons
IN OTHER WORDS: New horizons
Published: 12:00 am Nov 23, 2008
Cracks in the unipolar world have been visible for quite some time, and all that the American intelligence report released on Thursday does is acknowledge the reality unfolding before us. When the Soviet system collapsed and the cold war came to an end, America, it appeared, was destined to emerge as the sole superpower.
However, Europe has come out of the shadow of the domination of United States and is fast re-emerging as a new centre of economic and political power. The way Paris and Berlin came together to oppose the US war in Iraq showed Europe’s determination to be on its own. With Russia’s revival, China’s fast-expanding scientific and economic power and India on the verge of economic success, a new world order is again on the horizon.
What does this mean for Pakistan? Following the pattern of myriad reports released from time to time by American think tanks, the National Intelligence Council study considers terrorism and economic instability to be the two main threats to the country’s survival. Pakistan’s leaders and people are also aware of these two major crises. It is time these were seriously examined and a strategy devised in the light of the changing international system which is throwing up new challenges that only make Pakistan’s task more difficult.