
Dealing with report cards jitters

Dealing with report cards jitters

By Rishi Singh

The report card is a very important milestone for students as it represents the formal check-up on how they have been doing so far in school.

For a child, poor report card grades can mean punishment or restrictions on their activities. For parents, poor grades are a source of worry — is their child facing an educational roadblock.

It is important that parents and children discuss report card, especially if there are issues about poor grades that need to be addressed. Here are a few tips to talk to kids about their report card -Sit down and review together. Make sure that there are no distractions so you can focus on one another and the conversation.

Don’t get upset. If you’re upset or angry about grades, hold the discussion until you can speak calmly and rationally.

Start with empathetic and positive comments. Highlight something positive about the report card, no matter how trivial. For instance, “we are pleased with your spelling grade.”

Listen to your child. Recognise your child’s struggles. School can be tough. It is helpful to students to know that someone is listening to their concerns and complaints.

End with a plan. Be optimistic and identify any next steps before you leave the table.

Keep it in context. Remember that this report card is but a single snapshot of a child’s progress up to this point-it’s not the complete picture of a child’s potential and there is still plenty of time to make necessary changes to get better grades. — Agencies