
Making a point

Making a point

By Rishi Singh

It raises the spirits to see mountaineer Apa Sherpa, the person who has stood a record eighteen times atop the highest peak in the world Mount Everest, to go one more for the same adventure this spring. He has earned name and fame along the way, though there are some discontentments in him which he is trying to highlight this time. As a professional mountain climber, he has expressed the disgust with which he has observed for so many years during expeditions to the Everest peak the amount of waste dumped carelessly along the trail. This has saddened him to the extent that he decided to ascend the peak for the nineteenth time to bring world focus on the environmental degradation that is taking place in the highest mountain. Moreover, the focus will also be to raise the awareness as regards the global warming that has affected the climate.

That the glaciers are receding is an indicator that all is not well with the Himalayas. Awareness together with an action plan has to come in place not only at the local level but global solidarity for the purpose is also needed. If the climate change continues at this pace, it can be well imagined what the features of the highest mountain peaks in the world would be in two or three decades. In this direction, people like Apa have to be appreciated for taking up the challenging task of scaling the highest peak to make the point.